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Startup Applications
Colony Robotics Kft.
- Hungary

Colony Robotics automates construction sites with autonomous robots that streamline the transport of materials and waste, enhancing efficiency and safety.
- Poland

DEPO's innovative amorphous carbon technology reshapes manufacturing with diamond-like durability and conductivity, cutting costs and boosting efficiency in hydrogen production.
- Poland

Zonifero transforms hybrid workspaces with a robust platform that manages resources, enhances security, and optimizes operations for over 55,000 daily users worldwide.
- Czech Republic

Gamifit is a fitness mobile game for kids that motivates kids to be active in a way that is familiar and enjoyable for them.
BDN Automotive
- Hungary

BDN's core mission revolves around pioneering the capability to convert any engine to operate on green hydrogen. We aim to set the standard for the broader adoption of this technology across various sectors by embarking on this journey through a pilot project for railway applications.
Melon HR Technology Kft
- Hungary

Melon HR empowers businesses in their recruitment process by uniquely running automated job ad campaigns across all job boards and social media sites, collecting candidate data to help the selection process. Our vision is to make MelonApp an indispensable tool for every small business across Europe.
- Czech Republic

Collboard redefines collaboration with an ultra-simple, instantly sharable online whiteboard that’s highly modular and effortlessly extensible.
- Czech Republic

WebGPT crafts your professional website in just two minutes—simply provide your business details and let automation handle the rest.
- Poland

ELBIOTECH pioneers ultra-fast sterilization technology from Warsaw, protecting porous materials with a patented device that disinfects without damage.
- Poland

Spectrally leads the way in Raman spectroscopy, offering advanced, real-time materials analysis solutions for Industry 4.0 across chemicals, food, and environmental sectors.
- Poland

Supptrail revolutionizes apparel supply chains with a SaaS platform that prioritizes sustainability, enhances traceability, and aids brands in meeting global objectives.